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Mobility and Education ZOne

The T4EU goal is to design challenge-based education, and enhance mobility and academic exchange

Open Dual Lecture

With the Open Dual Lecture series, the T4EU alliance will organise a public lecture series consisting of four lectures per term/semester rotating around the partner universities. The evening lectures will be held in an innovative joint format by either one academic staff member of the host university and one external entrepreneur or practitioner from another region of the T4E alliance, or by one entrepreneur or practitioner from the home region and an academic from one of the T4EU partner universities.

T4EU Chair Exchange

The T4EU alliance will install a T4EU Chair Exchange Programme for academic staff. The programme will enable professors to spend a residential period at another T4EU partner university for one semester primarily for the purpose of teaching.

professional developement programme

The T4EU alliance will implement a professional development programme for non-academic staff. This virtual programme will consist of digital courses on the universities, higher education systems, regions, and national legal systems of the T4EU partner institutions and general intercultural awareness, developed by experts at the partner universities individually or together.

Conference for Innovative Teaching

T4EU will organise an annual conference to foster exchange between teaching staff and give visibility to the teachers who have contributed to the delivery of innovative teaching projects and to the activities of the Teaching Academy as a whole.

T4EU Teaching Award

The purpose of an Innovative Teaching Award is to identify, acknowledge and recognize innovative teaching practices and to provide opportunities not only for sharing and exchanging best examples, but also to encourage cooperation between the Higher Education Institutions of the Transform4Europe alliance.