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T4EU Week in Katowice

Communication for a Better Future

21-25 October 2024 | University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland


University of Silesia in Katowice invites students and PhD students of all the Transform4Europe partner universities to take part in the third edition of the T4EU Week in Katowice. The event will be held under the theme: Communication for a Better Future.  

Five days will be filled with an attractive offer of classes and accompanying events, including sports competitions, a cinema night, a culinary workshop or a mental health workshop. The event will be inaugurated with a T4EU Kick-off Party on the Katowice campus, allowing students to integrate and build interuniversity ties, which will enhance further cooperation and team-building during the multinational classes taking place each day of the Week.

It is worth noting that the T4EU Week will be held this year simultaneously with the annual Transform4Europe Strategic Assembly, Transform4Europe Global Partnership Forum and Transform4Europe Cultural Heritage Conference, which will gather T4EU rectors, researchers, didactic and administrative employees as well as stakeholders of Transform4Europe partner universities.

The week of 21-25 October will be thus a vibrant and multifaceted undertaking, with the potential to provide the participants with a range of educational, research, self-development and social inspirations.

Educational offer

Each student participates in 1 course, which will run the whole week, but during the application process, you can rank 3 courses that you would like to attend in order of desirability.

For each course, there will be an in-person component and an online component. The in-person component will take place during the T4EU week, whereas the online component will happen before/after the week. The exact information will be sent from the course leaders after the selection process is completed.

To complete the course, you will have to pass a knowledge test. After successful completion, you will be awarded 3 ECTS by the University of Silesia.

The courses will mainly take place in the morning. In the afternoon, we will organise optional events, such as sports, cultural and scientific events.

The draft agenda of the event will be presented soon.

The selection process is conducted by each partner University.

Download the full offer (pdf file 221 KB)

The contact details of T4EU offices are available here.

Teacher: Alexander Lowe, PhD (Canadian lecturer and researcher in studying the thermophysical and thermochemical properties of materials at high pressures and high temperatures) Download CV (pdf file 217 KB)


Description: The aim of the module is to learn how to keep communication in English simple and easy for interdisciplinary science and technology, engineering and math. These lessons can be extended to other fields of science and humanities but this lesson is focused on the general difficulties scientists have in communicating with each other.

Subject area: Science and Technology Communication

Target group: especially for science students

Forms of teaching: lectures (10h), seminars (10h), online meetings (4h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: presentation

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Teacher: Iwona Wojtala, MA (English philologist, sworn translator, lecturer at the University of Silesia, tutor) Download Bio (pdf file 51 KB)

Description: During the classes students will learn how to successfully negotiate a business deal. They will be taught how to prepare for negotiations, establish rapport, ask the right questions, persuade partners and handle breakdowns. Students will find out what aspects of a business deal are most often the subject of negotiations (price, methods of payment, transportation, warranty) and they will also explore the differences between negotiation styles in various cultures. Emphasis will be put on practical skills through a number of case studies and role plays as well as on the development of language skills in English.

Subject area: Business English

Target group: any interested students

Forms of teaching: practical classes (20h), online meetings (4h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: Students (in small groups) are asked to prepare a project that is a mixture of a written and oral assignment.

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Teacher: Katarzyna Ponikowska, PhD (Sociologist, academic teacher. Her scientific interests concern the ideas of sustainable development and their implementation in the activities of social movements, local communities and business)

Download Bio (pdf file 27 KB)


Description: Cultures differ. It is determined by their philosophical and religious backgrounds, the natural environment they are fitted in, the political challenges they have to confront, etc. Sometimes, we may need a clue to operate appropriately in the modern, diverse world. Therefore, we will help one another and discuss how to make contact with other cultures exciting, not threatening.

Subject area: Sociology, cultural studies

Target group: any interested students

Forms of teaching: seminars (20h), online meetings (4h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: project

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Teacher: Prof. Miloň Potměšil (Pedagogue, lecturer interested in deaf studies in general, educational psychology, behavioural management and deafness, psychology of special support to parents of impaired children)

Download CV (pdf file 324 KB)

Description: The main aim of the module is to introduce students to the design of a tool that allows individual access to students with disabilities.

Subject area: Special education

Target group: any interested students

Forms of teaching: lectures (14h), seminars (6h), online meetings (4h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: test, presentation

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Teacher: Magdalena Półtorak, PhD (doctor of law; her research interests focus primarily on the protection of human rights, with particular emphasis on gender equality in the public sphere and the situation of refugee women)

Download Bio (pdf file 46 KB)

Description: The classes will focus on the gap between legal guarantees of equality and facts, identify specific barriers women and men face in the political sphere, labour market, private sphere and R&I, and propose concrete measures to eliminate them.

Subject area: Law

Target group: any interested students

Forms of teaching: lectures (16h), practical classes (4h), online meetings (4h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: test, poster presentation, written assignment, oral assignment

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Teacher: Prof. Piotr Skubała (biologist, ecologist, environmental ethicist, ecological educator, nature conservationist; climate activist, leader of Al Gore’s Climate Reality, ‘ethic expert’ in the European Commission)

Download Bio (pdf file 85 KB)

Description: Getting to know the global environmental situation and its consequences for society and the global economy. It will allow viewers to realize what challenges the world is facing today, how we must change the economic, political and social system and what choices we must make to avert the spectre of an existential crisis.

Subject area: ecology, ethics, education

Target group: any interested students

Forms of teaching: seminars (20h), online meetings (4h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: presentation, poster presentation, written assignment, and other

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Teacher: Rafał T. Prabucki, PhD  (Engineer, lawyer and scientist passionate about new technologies. Co-author of the book “Cryptocurrencies. Criminological and Forensic Perspective. His scientific and professional goal is to specialize in LegalTech in the field of evidence)

Download Bio (pdf file 64 KB)


Description: The primary aim of the cybersecurity module is to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity principles, practices, and technologies. This includes the ability to identify, analyse, and mitigate cyber threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring the protection of information systems and data. The module aims to develop both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for students to effectively manage and implement cybersecurity measures in various organizational contexts, fostering a culture of security awareness and ethical practices.

Subject area: Law / Privacy / Cybersecurity

Target group: any interested students

Forms of teaching: lectures (10h), practical classes (8h), online meetings (6h)

Assessment of the learning outcomes of the module: test

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