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T4EU Repository


The subpage stores the most important consortium documents. Here, you may find the fruits of our labour within the Transform4Europe, including strategies we have developed, descriptions of the implemented tasks and statements on the different areas of activity realised in partnership.

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Framework for Visiting Professorship

One of the main Transform4Europe objectives aims to link the T4EU European University with the broader European and global context. The Visiting Professorship addresses the T4EU specific objective to connect the Alliance with external academic ecosystems at European and global level. This initiative seeks to attract academics from outside the Alliance for both teaching and research purposes who can provide expertise complementary to the expertise available within the Alliance. It is planned that at least five open calls will be published during the project’s lifetime. The visiting professors will be hosted by at least two T4EU partner universities.

The current framework provides a description of the methodology, criteria and procedures involved in attracting, selecting, and supporting teaching professors who are not part of the Transform4Europe alliance.

Author: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”