T4EU Repository
The subpage stores the most important consortium documents. Here, you may find the fruits of our labour within the Transform4Europe, including strategies we have developed, descriptions of the implemented tasks and statements on the different areas of activity realised in partnership.
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Mobility Guidelines
The content of this document is based on the T4EU Mobility4All Strategy Paper and presents a concrete approach to the willingness and commitment of all partners to increase both the quantity and quality of mobilities within the alliance. This milestone is part of Work Package 2 Mobility4All and has been jointly revised by all mobility experts during the Joint Mobility Office meeting, which took place in person at the University of Primorska, in Koper (Slovenia), in May 2024.
Author: University of Alicante
Diversity Strategy (2024-2027)
This strategy outlines Transform4Europe’s commitment to fostering an inclusive, equitable, and diverse university alliance. Structured around three key axes—Discrimination, Gender Equality, and Disability—it sets concrete goals and actions to create an academic environment where mobility, interdisciplinarity, and inclusion thrive. From anti-discrimination policies and gender balance initiatives to accessibility improvements and support for students with disabilities, this document serves as a roadmap for ensuring that all members of the T4EU community can fully participate in university life. Join us in shaping a truly inclusive European University!
Author: University of Alicante
Framework for Visiting Professorship
One of the main Transform4Europe objectives aims to link the T4EU European University with the broader European and global context. The Visiting Professorship addresses the T4EU specific objective to connect the Alliance with external academic ecosystems at European and global level. This initiative seeks to attract academics from outside the Alliance for both teaching and research purposes who can provide expertise complementary to the expertise available within the Alliance. It is planned that at least five open calls will be published during the project’s lifetime. The visiting professors will be hosted by at least two T4EU partner universities.
The current framework provides a description of the methodology, criteria and procedures involved in attracting, selecting, and supporting teaching professors who are not part of the Transform4Europe alliance.
Author: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Inventory of Innovative Teaching Methods
One of Transform4Europe strategic aims is to foster skilling and reskilling for the staff and upscale opportunities for professional development with a special focus on the academic staff. Open Learning Hub activities will enable the whole community of teaching staff to be upskilled in innovative teaching, co-teaching, and co-creation principles.
The inventory of innovative teaching methods aims to achieve the following goals across the Transform4Europe alliance:
- To identify the academic staff’s current use of innovative teaching methods, tools, and approaches.
- To share the best practice experiences using innovative teaching methods.
- To foresee the significant possibilities and challenges in innovative teaching methods, tools, and approaches within the Alliance.
Additionally, the inventory analysis emphasizes the most beneficial topics for academic staff professional development (PD) training programmes. The possible list of most beneficial topics are: The use of AI in higher education teaching; Active teaching methods in higher education; Innovative teaching methods in higher education; Teaching and learning methods for students engagement, motivation and activation; Teaching strategies: design-based, project-based, problem-based learning, etc.; Assessment: strategies, methods, feedback; Innovative teaching and learning methods in multicultural and multilingual environments; Gamification and game-based learning in higher education; The use of digital technologies and tools for different educational purposes. As the information provided in this report indicates, there is much space within the Transform4Europe alliance’s PD activities to strengthen academic staff knowledge and skills about innovative teaching methods and tools.
Author: Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas
T4EU Innovative Teaching Training Programme
The T4EU Innovative Teaching Training Programme is an initiative designed to enhance the skills and competencies of academic staff within the Transform4Europe (T4EU) Alliance. The program is delivered through online webinars and addresses both local institutional needs and broader European educational goals. It aims to improve academic staff’s pedagogical, research, and administrative skills, fostering cross-border collaboration and innovation across the Alliance.
The program’s implementation follows a structured approach: identifying professional development (PD) needs, planning and organizing PD activities, ensuring effective communication, maintaining quality assurance, and ensuring the sustainability of the program. Key training topics include the use of AI in education, active teaching methods, student engagement strategies, and digital technologies in higher education. These topics are tailored to address the needs of diverse academic staff and are delivered in interactive, live webinars, with certification and recognition across all partner institutions.
The program is underpinned by a comprehensive quality assurance system to ensure that the content is relevant and effective. Feedback mechanisms, such as participant surveys, are used to assess and improve the program continuously. The webinars will be made available online for future use, ensuring long-term access to the training materials.
Overall, the T4EU Innovative Teaching Training Programme is designed to promote a culture of excellence and innovation in higher education across the Alliance, contributing to the strategic goals of the T4EU initiative and ensuring the ongoing professional growth of academic staff.
Author: Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas
T4EU Professional Development Programme for Non-Academic Staff
The first T4EU Professional Development Programme for Non-Academic Staff) has been created to strengthen the skills and expertise of non-academic staff throughout the Alliance, offering a unified approach to professional growth. This programme, delivered through webinars, has been developed collaboratively to meet the specific needs of local institutions while addressing broader European educational objectives. By encouraging cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange, the programme aims to equip academic staff with essential skills in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), administration, time management, and psychology, supporting excellence in higher education institutions.
Author: Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas
Project: Activating Students in Online Classes
The main objective of the Project was to activate students participating in online classes.
The Project was to answer the need of academic teachers for knowledge in the field of online education, due to the changes imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research conducted at universities has shown that although most teachers can quickly acquire the technical skills to work with online tools, the problem is the lack of knowledge of the online class methodology. It emerged that transferring academic classes to the virtual network resulted in significantly lower student activity compared to traditional methods. We hope that the Project will improve teachers’ abilities, e.g. in the area of education and digital competencies and skills in using innovative digital tools.
The aim of the Project was to disseminate the flipped classroom method and support distance learning with ICT tools. The use of such tools as Mentimeter, Padlet, LearningApps, and Genially will give the classes an attractive form and be a suitable method of activating students. The gamification of classes is also an important element. The results of the Project are expected to help academic teachers in their online classes, providing them with methods, tools and opportunities to improve their skills and build a new standard of teaching.
The flipped classroom approach was designed and tested at three universities (Silesian University in Katowice, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas and Sofia University); it was also presented to our partners from Transform4Europe universities.
Authors: University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas (Lithuania), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)