T4EU Open Dual Lectures at VMU in Lithuania

May 2023 | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania


A new opportunity has emerged for the T4EU partners to intensify cooperation and establish a fruitful dialogue between academia and business. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is organising Open Dual Lectures in May and looking for two people who would conduct the lectures in Kaunas, Lithuania. The prospective lecturers have to come from the entrepreneurial and academic fields and must be nominated by the T4EU partner universities. Application deadline is March 31st.

The first lecture, taking place on May 4th, will be titled Resilient Cities: Connecting Wellbeing, Infrastructure & Citizens. For this event, VMU is seeking an entrepreneur who is experienced in this field and who would be recommended by one of the alliance’s universities.

The second lecture, Of digital business models, networks and gatekeepers – from analogous to digital business models, will be held on May 25th. For this one, the university wants to find an academician in this field from the partner universities.

Each of the two lectures will have two speakers, one of which has already been assigned on behalf of Vytautas Magnus University: respectively, Professor at the VMU Dept. of Sociology Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė and VMU graduate, co-founder of Dogo App Tadas Žiemys.

According to the organisers, the event should serve as an excellent opportunity for professional growth. The lectures also aim to encourage a dialogue between academia and industry and strengthen the bonds between the alliance’s partners.

In order to be selected, the lecturer should be competent and have a background in entrepreneurial aspects related to at least one of the three focus areas of T4EU: specifically, digital transformation and smart regions; environmental transformation and sustainability; or societal transformation, community building and inclusion.

Vytautas Magnus University will grant an attendance remuneration of 500€ and will cover the travel and accommodation expenses for the day of the lecture.

The lecturer must be nominated by a partner university, fill in the Nomination Form and send CV to transform4europe@vdu.lt before March 31st.

More information: Invitation Open Dual Lecture VMU.

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Photo by Saarland University