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T4EU online recreation

Join a wide array of students, professor, researchers and other T4EU university staff members and participate in our online recreational activities!


Join a wide array of students, professor, researchers and other T4EU university staff members and participate in our online recreational activities! The calendar features a series of simple to follow exercises to aid your personal health and wellbeing.

Modern life often times moves at a rapid paste and many have difficulty findings moments to address their physical and mental health. Short breaks with a bit of exercise are of great benefit in such situations. Even short (30 seconds) active breaks have positive effects, longer and more active breaks are even more recommended. What can be done to effectively break up sitting?

  • Encourage the habit of breaking the sitting-walking habit by thoughtfully placing printers, shelves, landline phones and other office equipment out of our immediate proximity/hand reach,
  • hydrate regularly – if you have a small glass, you will need to refill it several times in the kitchen,
  • make at least one phone call a day standing up,
  • take 5-10 minutes for a longer active break (walk, stairs, gymnastic exercises…),
  • don’t forget our eyes, which are also strained when we are sitting and studying – we can look around the room or into the distance (even out of the window) – this relaxes the muscles that are constantly strained when we are reading or working at the screen.

To sign up and benefit your health join our mailing list here and you will receive the reminder every Wednesday along with the link to our Zoom, where we host all of our active breaks!


Join us for our weekly active breaks (10 minutes of easy-to-follow exercises) each Wednesday at 1:15 PM CETS by applying here: https://rb.gy/vmlzd3


*The active breaks for the 14th and 21st of August are canceled due to the summer break.


online recreational Calendar

More activities will come to the calendar, so be sure to not miss any by checking the website and following the T4EU social media profiles.

NOTE: Participants are themselves responsible for their health and safety, so be mindful of your environment and others around you.

2024 July

Week 1

Mon 1
Tue 2
Wed 3
Thu 4
Fri 5
Sat 6
Sun 7
Mon 8
Tue 9
Wed 10
Thu 11
Fri 12
Sat 13
Sun 14
Mon 15
Tue 16
Wed 17
Thu 18
Fri 19
Sat 20
Sun 21
Mon 22
Tue 23
Wed 24
Thu 25
Fri 26
Sat 27
Sun 28
Mon 29
Tue 30
Wed 31
Thu 1
Fri 2
Sat 3
Sun 4