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Science4all experts discuss open science and communication in COALESCE project interviews

Interviews with Filippo Nuccio and Ana Slavec recorded during ESOF 2024 in Katowice


Filippo Nuccio, Associate Professor at Jean Monnet University, and Ana Slavec, Assistant Professor at the University of Primorska, both members of the Science4All group of the Transform4Europe Alliance, were interviewed by the COALESCE project, a virtual lab for the future European Competence Center for Science Communication.

A series of 11 videos with key leaders on how to better communicate science was published on YouTube. Filippo Nuccio shared his thoughts on the concept of Open Science for scientists and how science communication can benefit from it, while Ana Slavec talked about how science communication can support Open Science and what it can learn from it.

The interviews were recorded at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2024 in Katowice, Poland. ESOF is the largest European science conference, a biennial meeting that aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary and intersectional debates on scientific research and innovation. At the event, Ana Slavec and Filippo Nuccio participated as panellists in the session ‘Open science and research data management at universities – experiences of T4EU Alliance members and their common strategy’, together with three other representatives of T4EU members.