T4EU at ESOF2024

12-15 June 2024 | EuroScience Open Forum, Katowice


During the June EuroScience Open Forum 2024 (ESOF2024) in Katowice, representatives of the universities forming the T4EU European University, including the University of Silesia in Katowice, Saarland University, the University of Primorska, Jean Monnet University of Saint-Étienne and Vytautas Magnus University, took part in a panel discussion entitled ‘Open Science and Research Data Management at Universities – Experiences from Members of the T4EU Alliance and Their Joint Strategy’. Speakers discussed key challenges and best practices related to open science and research data management at their universities and presented the T4EU consortium’s joint strategy in these areas.
The importance of collaboration between T4EU partners and the sharing of experiences and good practices was highlighted as crucial to the success of initiatives related to aspects of open science. Future directions for development and implementation of common policies and procedures to facilitate inter-institutional cooperation were discussed.