Category: Investors contacts

Joint Virtual Mobile Entrepreneurs Office

Saarland University

The Saarland-Pitch, a groundbreaking event organized by the University of Saarland in collaboration with the Saarland Venture Capital Company (SWG). This exclusive platform brings together “investor-ready” individuals and startups, providing them with a unique opportunity to meet and engage with potential investors.

During this exciting half-day event, up to ten innovative startup teams and young companies will present their groundbreaking ideas in concise five-minute pitches. Following the presentations, an esteemed audience comprising of venture capital firms, banks, family offices, and private investors will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in in-depth conversations. This invaluable networking session allows for meaningful connections and potential collaborations to flourish.

What sets the Saarland-Pitch apart is its hybrid format, enabling participants to attend the event in person or join the live stream online. Local investors benefit from the chance to network directly with entrepreneurs on-site, while investors outside the Saarland region can discover and explore ideas and business concepts in their early stages through the online stream. This broadens the scope of potential investors and fosters a vibrant ecosystem of growth and opportunity.