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Joint Mobility Office

A common space to promote internationalisation and facilitate the mobilities within the alliance and beyond


The Transform4Europe Joint Mobility Office provides a common space to promote internationalisation and facilitate the mobilities within the alliance and beyond. It will unify the alliance’s strengths and mainstream proceedings. Furthermore, agile communication within staff members is to lead to a more simplified way of understanding and implementing exchanges and therefore to an increase of mobilities, not only for students, but also for teaching and administrative staff, creating this way an internationalised university community.

Improved, flexible and inclusive mobility framework conditions will establish mobility as the norm both for the students and for staff of our European university. An atmosphere of a global university community will offer plenty of institutional advantages in multiple strands: professional, cultural, academic and linguistic. Likewise, the participants in international mobilities are to acquire new knowledge and approaches, which will improve their skills and competencies.


The Joint Virtual Mobility Office is the unit responsible for managing student and staff exchanges within the Transform4Europe alliance. The services offered include:

  • Administrative management of outgoing students on exchange study programmes whose destination is a Transform4Europe institution
    • Publication of calls for applications
    • Guidance and advice during the process (information about destinations, assistance with procedures)
    • Selection of candidates
    • Nomination of candidates to host universities
  • Administrative management of incoming students from a Transform4Europe institution on exchange study programmes
    • Welcome and orientation upon their arrival at the university, with the support of the student ambassadors
    • Assistance with administrative procedures for the duration of their stay
    • Submission of Transcript of Records and Certificate of Stay
  • Administrative management of outgoing academic and administrative staff on training and teaching mobility programmes:
    • Publication of calls for applications
    • Guidance and advice during the process (information about destinations, assistance with procedures)
    • Selection of candidates
    • Nomination of candidates to host universities
  • Administrative management of incoming academic and administrative staff on training and teaching mobility programmes:
    • Welcome and orientation upon their arrival at the university
    • Assistance with administrative procedures for the duration of their stay
    • Submission of Certificate of Stay

More information

Saarland University


Fabienne Adolphe: fabienne.adolphe@uni-saarland.de

Name of the institution: Saarland University

Link to Fact Sheet www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/erasmus/incomings
Academic calendar 23/24 www.uni-saarland.de/en/division/ls/dates

First semester:

Start of semester: 01 October 2023
Start of lectures: 23 October 2023
End of lectures: 09 February 2024
End of semester: 31 March 2024


3 October

Christmas: 21 December 2023 – 01 January 2024

Second semester:

Start of semester: 01 April 2024
Start of lectures: 15 April 2024
End of lectures: 26 July 2024
End of semester: 30 September 2024


Easter: 29 March – 01 April 2024

01 Mai 2024

09 Mai 2024

20 Mai 2024

30 Mai 2024

15 August 2024

Academic calendar 24/25 First semester:

Start of semester: 01 October 2024
Start of lectures: 14 October 2024
End of lectures: 07 February 2025
End of semester: 31 March 2025


3 October

Christmas: 23 December 2024 – 03 January 2025

Second semester:

Start of semester: 01 April 2025
Start of lectures: 07 April 2025
End of lectures: 18 July 2025
End of semester: 30 September 2025


Easter: 18 April – 21 April 2025

01 Mai 2025

29 Mai 2025

09 June 2025

19 June 2025

15 August 2025

Course catalogue www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/erasmus/incomings/ola
Language requirements The main language of instruction for undergraduate studies is German. We recommend a minimum level of B1 for incoming students.
There are specific rules applying to the Department of German language and Literature (Germanistik): a minimum level B2 is requested as well as a language certificate which the student must provide along with his learning agreement.
Modules in English www.uni-saarland.de/en/study/programmes/international
Accommodation service www.uni-saarland.de/accommodation
Call for applications Call for applications takes place twice a year (once per semester), applications are usually announced on early October and March.
More information: www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/erasmus/incomings
Deadline for nomination and application Nomination deadline
June 15th for winter term / academic year
December 15th for summer term

Application deadline
June 30th for winter term / academic year
December 31st for summer term

The nomination should entail the following information: name of the student, Email address, study area, study cycle and period of stay. Students are contacted directly by our office upon receipt of their nomination Please send the nominations to erasmus@uni-saarland.de

Medical assistance Can be found here:  www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/welcome-center/living-working/in-case-of-emergency/visiting-a-doctor
Contact Centre for Studies and Disability www.uni-saarland.de/verwaltung/chancengleichheit/ksb.html
Cost of living Semester fee: ~130 EUR/6 months (including public transport)
Accommodation: from 300 EUR/month
Food: 180 EUR/month
Plus private expenses
Living expenses average between 750- 950 EUR per month (BA/MA students). The actual costs may vary.
The proof of finance demanded by the visa office is 11.208 EUR/year (934/month) for student visa holders.
Transport connections of the university www.uni-saarland.de/en/sites/saarbruecken

University of Alicante


Link to Fact Sheet https://sri.ua.es/es/movilidad/estudiantes-acogidos/hoja-informativa.html
Academic calendar 23/24 First semester

Orientation: 1-8 September 2023

Classes: 11 September – 22 December 2023

Exams period:  10-26 January 2024

Second semester

Orientation: 17-26 January 2024

Classes: 29 January – 24 May 2024

Exams period: 29 May – 15 June 2024

Course catalogue https://sri.ua.es/en/movilidad/incoming-students/exchange/choosing-your-subjects.html
Language requirements Spanish B1 is recommended to take subjects in Spanish.

English B2 is recommended to take subjects in English

Modules in English https://web.ua.es/es/vr-ric/cursos-en-ingles.html
Accommodation service https://sri.ua.es/en/movilidad/incoming-students/accommodation.html
Call for applications https://sri.ua.es/en/movilidad/incoming-students/exchange/nomination-application-and-acceptance.html
Deadline for nomination and application Nomination:

Nomination deadlines:
June 1st (first semester & full year stays)
November1st (second semester stays)

Application deadlines:
June15th (first semester and full year stays)
November 15th (second semester stays)

Medical assistance https://sri.ua.es/en/movilidad/incoming-students/medical-assistance.html
Cost of living Accommodation: ~ €300/month in a shared flat, including water, gas and electricity.

Transport: ~ €40/month (tram or bus).

Living expenses and other personal expenses: ~ €400/month.

Transport connections of the university https://web.ua.es/en/oia/transporte-universitario/

Estonian Academy of Arts


Name of the institution: Estonian Academy of Arts

  (EKA) Link to Fact Sheet https://mobility.artun.ee/incoming-student/about-eka
Academic calendar 23/24 Academic year 2024/2025

Official duration: 26.08.2024 – 24.08.2025

Fall semester: 26.08.2024 – 26.01.2025

Spring semester: 27.01.2025 – 24.08.2025

Fall semester: 

12.08-28.08.2023 Estonian language and culture course for international students

26.08.2024 – The beginning of the fall semester

02.09.2024 – The beginning of the studies in the fall semester

21.10. – 25.10.2024 – Specialty Elective Week (no regular classes)

16.12. – 20.12.2024 Specialty evaluations week

23.12.2024 – 05.01.2025 Winter break

13.01. – 24.01.2025 – Specialty Elective Weeks (no regular classes)

26.01.2025 – The end of the fall semester

Sping semester: 

27.01. – 31.01.2025– The beginning of the spring semester. First meetings with speciality departments.

03.02.2025 – The beginning of the studies in the spring semester

24.03. – 28.03.2025 – Specialty Elective Week (no regular classes)

19.05. – 23.05.2025– Speciality evaluations week

13.06.2025 – The end of the spring semester studies

Course catalogue Unfortunately EKA does not have a course catalogue for the academic year 24/25 ready yet. We hope to send a preliminary list of courses approx. a month prior to the beginning of the exchange semester. However, we can assure our capability to offer different speciality and optional courses worth 30 credits* at least.
Language requirements English: min B2 level, not required from native speakers
Modules in English
Accommodation service EKA shares a dormitory together with the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The dormitory is called Muusa Majutus and it is conveniently located right in the city centre, Kuhlbarsi street 1. Their website is yhikas.ee.
Call for applications Deadlines for applications and nominations:

May 1 (for autumn semester and the whole academic year)

October 15 (for spring semester)

Deadline for nomination and application Deadlines for applications and nominations:

May 1 (for autumn semester and the whole academic year)

October 15 (for spring semester)

Medical assistance Exchange students are kindly advised to buy proper (travel) health insurance for the time of their stay in Estonia. Even if you are an EU/EEA citizen and hold a valid European health insurance card, not all medical services are free of charge (covers only emergency cases) and additional health insurance is still recommended.
Cost of living The currency in Estonia is the Euro (€). The monthly average living cost for students is usually around 400-600 euros.
Transport connections of the university Public transport that brings you to EKA:

Trams 1, 2,

Buses 2, 21, 21B, 41, 41B, 43, 59, 66, 73, 102, 104A, 114, 115, 116, 116B, 121, 122, 127A, 129, 132, 138, 154, 158, 160, 162, 174, 122,

Trollies 4, 5

Trains R21, R14, R16

University of Silesia in Katowice


Name of the institution: University of Silesia

Link to Fact Sheet Information for exchange students:


Academic calendar 23/24 http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/organisation-academic-year
Course catalogue http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/study-offer-20232024
Language requirements http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/language-requirements
Modules in English http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/study-offer-20232024
Accommodation service http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/accommodation
Call for applications http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/application-procedure
Deadline for nomination and application Fall term: 30 June

Summer term: 30 November

Medical assistance http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/insurance-requirement-policy
Cost of living https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Poland
Transport connections of the university http://erasmus.us.edu.pl/travel-links

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski


Name of the institution: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Link to Fact Sheet https://erasmus.uni-sofia.bg/site/income/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/01/23_24-BG-SOFIA06_Info-sheet_updated.pdf
Academic calendar 23/24 https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/education/academic_calendar
Course catalogue https://erasmus.uni-sofia.bg/site/income/courses/course-list-2023-2024/
Language requirements English B1

Bulgarian B1

Modules in English All courses are in English, except the courses in the different philology departments where they are in the given language of the department
Accommodation service Undergoing major renovation – unknown for the 2024/2025 Academic year
Call for applications
Deadline for nomination and application Nomination: 

1 June – Autumn semester/full academic year

1 November – Spring semester


15 June – Autumn semester/full academic year

15 November – Spring semester

Medical assistance None
Cost of living Low to mid (around 650 euro per month)
Transport connections of the university The university is in the center of the city, practically any line of the busses, trams, trolleys, metro have major stops next to it as well as most of the faculties

University of Trieste



Link to Fact Sheet https://sri.ua.es/es/movilidad/estudiantes-acogidos/hoja-informativa.html
Academic calendar 23/24 Every department has its own academic calendar:

1st semester: Approximately September 23th  – End of January

2nd semester: Approximately Mid February – End of June

Examination periods: Approximately January-February, June-July, September-October

Course catalogue https://units.coursecatalogue.cineca.it/cerca-insegnamenti
Language requirements English or Italian, depending on the Language in which classes are offered. For information about recommended levels please contact incoming.students@amm.units.it or the exchange coordinator.
Modules in English
Accommodation service https://www.units.it/en/prospective-students/accommodation-and-facilities
Call for applications Only online: https://esse3.units.it/AddressBook/ABStartProcessoRegAction.do
Deadline for nomination and application Nominations deadline

May 31st, 2024 (full year and first semester)
November 29th, 2024 (second semester)

Application deadline

July 31st
May 15th

Medical assistance https://www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it/
Cost of living https://www.units.it/en/prospective-students/accommodation-and-facilities


Transport connections of the university https://www.units.it/en/prospective-students/accommodation-and-facilities

Vytautas Magnus University


Name of the institution: VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY

Link to Fact Sheet https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/vmu-promotional-materials/vmu-fact-sheet/
Academic calendar 23/24 https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/practical-information-for-incoming-students/information-about-studies/academic-calendar/
Course catalogue https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/courses/
Language requirements Proof of English Language Proficiency: an official document (in English language and signed) stating English language proficiency from home university results is required, or an official test result is also applicable. English language proficiency should be not lower than B2 level according to the European language levels.

More information:

Modules in English https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/courses/
Accommodation service http://accommodation.vdu.lt
Call for applications Call for applications takes place twice a year (once per semester), applications are usually announced on early October and March.

More information:  https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/erasmus-exchange-studies/incoming-students/

Deadline for nomination and application Nomination deadline:

11 of May for the Autumn semester or whole academic year

11 of November for the Spring semester

Application deadline:

17 of May for the Autumn semester or whole academic year

17 of November for the Spring semester

Medical assistance Can be found here: https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/practical-information-for-incoming-students/living-in-lithuania/health-care-and-assistance/
Cost of living Lithuania is considered as inexpensive country to live in. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) international students have to expect a need of 300-1000 EUR per month including:

  • dormitory/flat rent 100-700 EUR
  • food 150-300 EUR
  • learning aid 50-100 EUR
  • leisure 100-300 EUR

A survey which was carried out in 2022 shows monthly expenses of VMU international students:

  • 10% spent less than 300 Eur/month
  • 55% spent 300-500 Eur/month
  • 46% spent 500-700 Eur/month
  • 10% spent 700-1000 Eur/month
  • 1% spent more than 1000 Eur/month

More information: https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/practical-information-for-incoming-students/important-before-arrival/cost-of-living/

Transport connections of the university https://www.vdu.lt/en/international-cooperation/for-students/practical-information-for-incoming-students/important-after-arrival/public-transport/

University of Primorska


  • International relations office (students & staff):

International Office, international@upr.si

  • T4EU foreign affairs:

Nataša Gržinić, natasa.grzinic@upr.si

Name of the institution:

University of Primorska, Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper, Slovenia

Erasmus code: SI KOPER03


Link to Fact Sheet
Academic calendar 23/24 Second/spring semester

  • Orientation days: 15 – 17 February 2024
  • Semester: 19 February – 31 May 2024
  • Exam period: 3 June – 5 July 2024


Course catalogue https://www.upr.si/en/students-up/754-international-mobility/incoming-mobility/study-offer-for-mobile-students/
Language requirements at least B1

Please note that some courses have different requirements. Further details of the language of instruction recommendations can be fund in our course catalogue.

Modules in English https://www.upr.si/en/students-up/754-international-mobility/incoming-mobility/study-offer-for-mobile-students/
Accommodation service The UP offers assistance in organizing accommodations for all exchange students. Mobile students can expect accommodation arrangements in private housing.


Call for applications https://www.upr.si/en/students-up/754-international-mobility/incoming-mobility/application–enrolment/
Deadline for nomination and application Nomination

Autumn semester: 31 May
Spring semester: 31 October


Autumn semester: 15 July
Spring semester: 30 November

Medical assistance Health insurance:

Health service:

Cost of living The estimated monthly living cost amount to approximately 650 EUR. For more details:


Transport connections of the university https://welcome.upr.si/student/arrive/plan-your-arrival/

Jean Monnet University

Name of the institution: Jean Monnet University

Link to Fact Sheet https://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/fr/international/etudiants-internationaux-incoming-students.html
Academic calendar 23/24 First semester: 

Start of semester: 1st September 2023
Start of lectures: *
End of lectures:*
End of semester:*

– Fall holidays : 29 October 2023 to 5 November 2023
– Christmas holidays : 23 December 2023 to 3 January 2024

Second semester:

Start of semester:
Start of lectures:*
End of lectures:*
End of semester: 31 August 2024


– Winter holidays : 25 February 2024 to 3 March 2024

-Spring holidays : 21 April 2024 to 28 April 2024

*Depending on the faculty

Academic calendar 24/25 First semester:

Start of semester:
Start of lectures:
End of lectures:
End of semester:


Second semester:

Start of semester:
Start of lectures:
End of lectures:
End of semester:


Course catalogue https://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/en/studies/courses-catalogue.html
Language requirements The main language of instruction for undergraduate studies is French.
Modules in English https://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/fr/international/etudiants-internationaux-incoming-students/catalogue-de-cours-donnes-en-anglais-courses-taught-in-english.html
Accommodation service Accomodation : presentation


Accomodation : online platform


Call for applications
Deadline for nomination and application Nomination of incoming students:

  • From March 1st to May 20th for the academic year and winter semester
  • From October 1st to November 1st for the spring semester

The nomination should entail the following information: name of the student, Email address, study area, study cycle and period of stay.

Please send the nominations to:



  • Before June 20th for the academic year and winter semester
  • Before December 1st for the spring semester

Students are contacted directly by our office upon receipt of their nomination.

Contact: erasmus-mob@univ-st-etienne.fr

Medical assistance Can be found here:



Cost of living https://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/en/campus-life/daily-life/student-living-costs.html
Contact Centre for Studies and Disability https://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/en/campus-life/inclusion.html


Transport connections of the university https://bienvenuealujm.univ-st-etienne.fr/fr/mon-quotidien/me-deplacer/transport-en-commun-stas.html


Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Name of the institution:

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Link to Fact Sheet https://www.ucp.pt/internationalinternational-profile/institutional-fact-sheet
Academic calendar 23/24 https://www.ucp.pt/sites/default/files/2023-10/Calend%C3%A1rio%20acad%C3%A9mico%202023_2024_V2.pdf
Course catalogue https://www.ucp.pt/education/undergraduate




Language requirements specific information on each school website
Modules in English specific information on each school website
Accommodation service Lisboa campus – specific information on each school website

Porto campus – https://www.mri.porto.ucp.pt/en/InternationalAdmissions/What-to-study/Accommodation

Braga – International Relations Office | mjpb@ucp.pt

Viseu – International Relations Office | mluz@ucp.pt

Call for applications specific information on each school website

Porto Campus: https://www.mri.porto.ucp.pt/en/Incoming/Erasmus-Cooperation-Agreement

Deadline for nomination and application pecific information on each school website

Porto Campus – https://www.mri.porto.ucp.pt/en/Incoming/Erasmus-Cooperation-Agreement

Medical assistance
  • European Health Insurance Card
  • School Insurance
  • Private health insurance is recommended
Cost of living Students can spend an average of €750/€850 per month.
Transport connections of the university Lisboa

Bus: 764|755|768
Metro: Cidade Universitária |Laranjeiras |Jardim Zoológico
Train: Estação de Sete Rios
GPS N 38º 44′ 51,11”  W 9º 10′ 1,84”


Bus: 200 |203|204|207
GPS: +41° 9′ 11.57″, -8° 40′ 17

Braga and Viseu: train and bus