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Academic year 2024/2025

Core Module Courses

Languages & Intercultural Competencies

  • face-to-face: students attend on campus
  • hybrid: T4EU students attend online, home students attend on campus
  • blended: the course is largely online (for all students), but there may be face-to-face elements, for instance for project work, at the mobility week or a final exam
  • basic course (BC): knowledge in area of expertise
  • application course (AC): students apply knowledge to gain experience and generate societal transformative impact in limited scope

subject title

Danish A1

The aim of this course is to enable students to communicate in Danish in everyday situations and to provide them with the basic knowledge of the Danish grammar (main morphological and syntactic rules) corresponding to level A1. Students learn to read uncomplicated texts with the aid of dictionary, to produce their own written texts using basic everyday language and to understand simple audio texts. The students learn to communicate correctly both in spoken and written forms in everyday situations and get prepared to study Danish in level A2. Syllabus.

Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas | ECTS: 6 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English Start date: 02.09.2024 | End date: 29.11.2024 | TimeMon, Wed, 16:00-17:30, CET

subject title

Arabic language Level 1

The course provides students with the communicative competence of basic Chinese through the linguistic activities of reception (listening and reading), production and interaction (speaking and writing), and mediation (translation). Students are introduced to the structure, order and formation principles of Chinese characters; develop tone discrimination and usage patterns. The lexical repertoire is built on the following topics: self-introduction, professions, family, description of things, daily life, cultural differences etc. The study format is mixed: group work, role-plays, discussions, analysis of texts. Syllabus. 

Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas | ECTS: 6 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English Start date: 02.09.2024 End date: 29.11.2024 | TimeTue, Thu, 16:00-17:30, CET

subject title

Chinese language 1

Arabic language Level 1 (elementary) course is based on the development of reception (listening and reading comprehension), production (speaking and writing) and mediation (translation) skills along with grammar and vocabulary development. The course is organized in such a way that the students develop basic awareness of the Arabic language and culture in the Arabic speaking countries. The form of studies includes lectures, seminars, self-study tasks and work in virtual MOODLE environment (on-line work, synchronous and asynchronous conversations and discussion forums, interactive tests, and exercises). Syllabus. 

Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas | ECTS: 6 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English Start date: 02.09.2024 End date: 29.11.2024 TimeTue, Thu, 16:00-17:30, CET

subject title

Turkish A1

Turkish language A1 course is based on the development of reception (listening and reading comprehension), production and interaction (speaking and writing) and mediation (translation) skills along with grammar and vocabulary development, using audio-visual material. Syllabus. 

Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas | ECTS: 6 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English Start date: 02.09.2024 End date: 29.11.2024 | TimeTue, Thu, 16:00-17:30, CET

subject title

English as Professional Language

This course is designed to enhance students’ English language skills in various technical fields of EU action. Through discussions, case studies, group projects and independent learning, students will be familiarised with the typical phraseology, terminology and contextual and cultural nuances of using English in professional fields such as finance, trade, employment, culture, tourism and research, while at the same time developing their intercultural, sociolinguistic and digital skills essential for their future academic and professional careers. To engage in this course effectively, students should have a language proficiency in English at least at level B2 (CEFR).  

Number of places for T4EU students: 15. 

Lecturer: Martina Paradiž 

University of Primorska | ECTS: 6 | BC | Modality: hybrid | Language: English (at least B2) | Start date: 1.10.2024 | End date17.1.2025  | Time: To Be Confirmed

subject title

B2 English – Academic Writing Course

In this course, students will gain a better understanding of how to:

  • build a strong paragraph
  • communicate professionally through e-mail 
  • structure an essay
  • vary sentence structure in their writing by integrating several types of adjective, noun, and adverb clauses
  • edit for grammatical mistakes in their own writing.  

Registration to the language center will be done together with the teacher.

Saarland University | ECTS: 3 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English
Start date: 17.10.2024 | End date: 06.02.2025 | TimeThursdays 2-4 p.m. CET

subject title

Destino España from A2.2

The aim of this self-study online Spanish course is to enable students to prepare themselves for a semester abroad at a Spanish university providing them knowledge and practical information about university life in Spain and strategies to cope with everyday life on site. The course will focus on academic and socio-cultural aspects of the Spanish language and culture taking into account the communicative and the action-oriented approach. Students work independently over 10 weeks in the winter term. It includes self-study tasks and work in virtual MOODLE environment: reading and listening comprehensions, internet researches, interactive tests and exercises. Besides the asynchronous conversations possible with the teacher, there will be an online event (MS Teams) every 2 weeks for practical, oral assignments, questions and exchange with the teacher and with other students.  

Kick-off meeting: 16.10.24 / 14:15 / MS Teams (for the link please send an e-mail to: e.fernandez@szsb.uni-saarland.de) Duration: 23.10.24 to 15.01.25  
Learning material: every week a new lesson in MOODLE for self-learning  
5 Online Events: TBA / Wed. 14:15 / MS Teams  
Spanish language level: all levels from A2.2 welcome 

Saarland University | ECTS: 3 | BC | Modality: online | Language: Spanish – all levels from A2.2 welcome | Start date: 23.10.24  – Kick-off meeting: 16.10.24 – 2:15 p.m. (for the link please send an e-mail to: e.fernandez@szsb.uni-saarland.de) | End date15.01.25 | TimeWednesday 2:15 p.m. CET