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Academic year 2024

Core Module Courses

Knowledge Entrepreneurship

  • face-to-face: students attend on campus
  • hybrid: T4EU students attend online, home students attend on campus
  • blended: the course is largely online (for all students), but there may be face-to-face elements, for instance for project work, at the mobility week or a final exam
  • basic course (BC): knowledge in area of expertise
  • application course (AC): students apply knowledge to gain experience and generate societal transformative impact in limited scope

subject title

Knowledge Entrepreneurship

Our society faces challenges of a magnitude and variety rarely seen before. New technologies, pollution, migration patterns, to just name a few, result in increasing pressure to transform present business models, structures and processes to meet these challenges. Within the disciplines’ innovation management and entrepreneurship, many strategies and instruments were developed to design products, services, processes and structures to realize novel ideas and enable change. Still, in the face of ecological, social and digital transformation, the respective models and instruments appear to fall short in enacting change, appropriate to the speed and significance of our challenges. One answer for the call of an adapted approach is knowledge entrepreneurship. The new concept aims to empower individuals to seek and implement transformational change. The lecture introduces state of the art innovation adoption models and in-novation barriers. Subsequently, participants learn more about the concept of knowledge entrepreneurship and several strategies, which are developed and tested for the purpose of striving for transformation, are scrutinized. Syllabus.

Saarland University | ECTS: 6 | BC | Modality: hybrid | Language: English
Start date: April – September 2024 (exact dates will follow) | Registration date: February 12, 2024 to March 24, 2024

subject title

Collaborative Innovation and Design of Solutions in Tourism

Students will be involved in solving real-world challenges through a structured three-step approach that includes online preparation, live sessions at the University of Primorska, Slovenia, and completion of the final project.

The interactive course combines research, practical problem solving and international collaboration and is tailored for students who want to make a tangible impact on local and global challenges. Challenges can be digital, analog, technological, non-technological, business- oriented, community-oriented, environment-oriented…

The course builds on the experience of the innovative approach of the UP FTS sTOUdio Turistica 2019-2023 pilot project in the field of tourism education and development (more info: SLO/ENG). The UP FTS sTOUdio Turistica project built a bridge between science, industry and the challenges of real life. It was recognized for its impact and creativity as one of the 13 selected projects funded in the Google.org Impact Challenge (2021) among more than 800 applicants in Central and Eastern Europe.

Only available to students attending the T4EU week.

Further information:

University of Primorska, University of Trieste | ECTS: 3 | BC | Modality: T4EU week in-person component at the University of Trieste (Italy) and the University of Primorska (Slovenia) + online component | Language: English | Start date: 20.05.2024