Kroeger-Vink notation. Quasi-chemical approach to defects population in ceramics. Kroeger-Vink diagrams. Defects energies. Mixing energy and entropy.
Most important raw materials for traditional ceramics (clays and feldspars; Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of alumina, zirconia, silicon nitride, silicon carbide and diamond (diamond-like coatins). Industrial preparations, separation and characterization of powders.
Forming of ceramics: uniaxial and isostatic pressing; cold and hot pressing: slip casting, tape casting. Typical composition of slurries for casting.
Preparation of films and coatings: plasma spary, PVD and CVD.
Transport mechanism in solid pahse. Einstein equation on mobility. Sintering stages and modeling of the I stage of sintering. Pore and grain boundaries mobility. Liquid phase sintering. Secondary, abnormal grain growth.
Functional ceramics; perovskitic structure. Ferroelectricity, piezo-electricity and piro-electricity. Ceramics for optical devices: PLZT. Kerr and Pockel effects.
Characterization of mechanical properties: Modulus of rupture in bending; fracture toughness determined by indentations and by indentation strength in bending (ISB).
Empirical, deterministic and probabilistic design. Weibull distribution. Determination of the Weibull modulus from a set of MOR data. Mixed approaches to design: Weibull modulus and Fnite Element Analysis.