Universities and Regional Engagement – Aftervideo
Watch the video from the T4ERI Inter-regional policy roundtable & the 2nd Stakeholders Assembly
In November 2022, Sofia University hosted the T4ERI Inter-regional policy roundtable & the 2nd Stakeholders Assembly – “Universities and Regional Engagement”. The role of universities in regional and local development was discussed during the event. A major focus of the meetings was the European University Alliance. Centers of Excellence and Centers of Competence and Research of the host were presented in the opening panels. The afternoon session, part of a series of T4ERI roundtables on regional policy, presented a variety of examples of public and project activities of the Transform4Europe Alliance partners with local stakeholders. It was noted that they can serve as a basis for further and deeper collaboration on cross-regional university activities within the Alliance. The short video presents key moments of the event and parts of interviews with several participants from the partner universities.
Watch on the T4EU YouTube channel.
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