The Fora of European University Alliances (FOREU1 and FOREU2), which unites the 41 European University Alliances chosen on the first and second call of the European University Initiative has issued a statement on the situation in Ukraine, which the Transform4Europe Alliance not only strongly endorses, but has also actively contributed to.
Statement of the 41 Alliances of European Universities
regarding the current events in Ukraine
We, the 41 Alliances of European Universities, representing about 300 European Higher Education institutions, stand together and send our strongest solidarity to the Ukrainian people after Russian Government’s attack. We also strongly condemn the bombardment of Kharkiv National University. Our Alliances have been built on a shared vision of a welcoming and peaceful Europe: we urge all stakeholders to restore peace, democracy and respect of human rights in Ukraine.
Many of our Alliances have partners located in the Ukraine’s region: they have started to host Ukrainian refugees, including members of Ukrainian academic community. In solidarity, other Alliances’ partners are setting up mechanisms to support them (fund raising, supply of basic goods, scholarships, etc.).
True to the European values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and human rights, our Alliances will remain inclusive to all students and academics and will continue to provide support to all who are affected by this tragic situation.
Statement of the 41 Alliances of European Universities (pdf, 729 kB)
Statement of the Transform4Europe Alliance
regarding the current events in Ukraine
The Transform4Europe Alliance, as a member of European University Alliances, condemns Russia’s military invasion in Ukraine. We stand with all the people of Ukraine who unequivocally oppose this war and we express the solidarity with academic communities affected by Russia`s military aggression. We encourage our governments to take the most serious actions towards stopping the war in Ukraine and re-establishing the peace.
Saarland University
Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas
University of Silesia in Katowice
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
University of Alicante
Estonian Academy of Arts
The University of Trieste
Statement of our Student Council regarding the current events in Ukraine
As Student Council of the European University Alliance Transform4Europe
we follow closely the shocking events in Ukraine.
We declare our full support towards our Ukrainian colleagues and fellow students,
with whom many of us have a long-standing and strong partnership.
Saarland University
- Dormitory rooms for refugees (in Saarland e.g. 14 rooms directly given to Ukrainian refugees)
- Donations (food and money) -> most used one, collective of big humanitarian organizations: Spendenkonto Nothilfe
- Involve local Refugee Law Clinics, e.g. to help refugees to be part of the society in case they would like to stay for a long period of time or forever
- Lectures about Asylum Law open for every student
- Offering extra and free language courses to Ukrainian Nationals
- Emergency fund open to everyone in need (in preparation)
- Establishing local coordinators (on municipal level and university level)
- Helplines with speakers of Russian/Ukrainian as mother tongue
- Extension of psychological aid
- Joining the “Scholars at Risk Network” ( and offering jobs for displaced scholars
- International Office is offering “Student Jobs” especially for students of crisis-stricken countries
- Extension of stay and scholarships for exchange students and staff.
The University of Alicante
The University of Alicante has set up an institutional working group to help Ukraine, made up of the vice-rectors responsible for International Relations, Social Responsibility, Students and Culture, with the aim of joining forces and preparing a global aid programme in view of the forthcoming arrival of refugees from Ukraine to Alicante, given the state of war in the country. All the information is available at:
Estonian Academy of Arts
- Estonian Academy of Arts offers Ukrainian students free study opportunities at our four faculties of Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, and Art Culture until the situation in their country stabilizes.
- Extended admissions to MA programs:
- EKA opened Ukraine student fund, which helps students to get their starting grant
- It also offers help with the transportation to Estonia, finding a place to stay and food.
- There is currently a physical spot open at the Institution where people can donate goods to support those in need.
- We invite you to support Ukrainian students at EKA through the scholarship fund created for this purpose.Details for international payments:
- Beneficiary: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Sihtasutus
- Bank: SEB Pank. Address: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn
- IBAN: EE941010220219558223
The University of Silesia
- Fundraiser organized by the University of Silesia to help both the students who came to UniSil prior to the war and their families, and those who arrived at the University during the last days and will continue to arrive. Please find the details here: Fundraiser for urgent needs of Ukrainian students and their families | Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach (University of Silesia in Katowice). The direct link to the fundraiser is here: Zbiórka na pilne potrzeby studentów z Ukrainy i ich rodzin | All of the money is used directly to support the students and their families. I assure you that no penny is lost on the way.
- Fundraiser organized by the Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH): Ukraina – pomóżmy ludziom w strefie konfliktu. They support both the Ukrainians who stay in Ukraine and those who left Ukraine and are in Poland. They are acting directly both in Ukraine and Poland. More information: Homepage – Polska Akcja Humanitarna
- No semester fees for Ukrainian students at UniSIl
- Flexibility or even suspension of students’ obligations (extension of exam session, excuse of all absences, possibility to participate in classes online, short-term leaves)
- Student volunteers helping the students to deal with anything
- Offering extra and free language courses to all Ukrainian Nationals at UniSil
- Establishing University coordinator
- Joint statement of Transform4Europe alliance: - Offering free accommodation to Ukrainian students at the University dorms
- Offering accommodation and support to students who had been studying in Ukraine before the war started and fled to Poland, Katowice
- Psychological support at the University
- Legal support at the University
- Financial aid to Ukrainian students
- Collecting most essential products at the University (for Ukraine, for refugees, and students: medicaments, clothes for refugees, even products for Ukrainian pets and animals)
- Different kinds of lectures on how we can help our Ukrainian neighbours to deal with the situation
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
- Indefinite extension of stay in university dorms for Ukrainian students
- Canteen and cafeteria offering free food to Ukrainians
- Official information about the situation shared on the University website.
- Further information published in the Student Council web page:
The University of Trieste
- In collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Authority, the Universities of Trieste (, Udine ( and SISSA ( are preparing to welcome Ukrainian students and researchers and support them through scholarships. In particular, regional universities make available up to 18 semesters for doctoral students or master degrees for thesis preparation. Additional mobility grants for visiting faculty are available at SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies):
- The University of Trieste rector wrote a letter of support to Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian students: UniTS for peace | Università degli studi di Trieste
Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas
- VMU has admitted new students from Ukraine and provided accommodation in the university dormitories for them or their families.
- Ukrainian students are given scholarships, covering their accommodation, settlement needs, and other expenses.
- Many partner companies and stakeholders of VMU offer jobs and internships to Ukrainian students and/or their relatives.
- The VMU staff organizes various charity campaigns to collect relief supplies for Ukrainian students and tries to support them in any possible way.
- The VMU community, institutionally and individually – students, academic and non-academic staff alike – demonstrate their faith in being “Strong together”, calling for fundraising, organizing relief actions, providing accommodation, offering psychological support.
- Support:
- In 2020, VMU established a support fund dedicated to students who suffered from repression by the Belarusian government. Now, this fund will also support students who suffered from military operations in Ukraine. The university is also prepared to welcome students and lecturers who are fleeing from war in Ukraine. More information:
- Invitation to sign a petition against war crimes organized by the Ukrainian World Congress. The petition, which aims to stop war crimes, can be found here.
- Complete information available at: