T4EU Chair Programme - first call for applications


The Transform4Europe Chair Programme Initiative will contribute to an enhanced and more structured teaching staff mobility. A Transform4Europe Chair is a teaching position on a topic relevant to the Alliance priority areas:

  • Societal transformation, community building and inclusion
  • Digital transformation and smart regions
  • Environmental Transformation and sustainability

The application process is open from 20 September 2024 onwards. Please check the specific conditions sections of each Alliance University for the concrete deadlines.

The T4EU Chair Programme is based on a competitive independent application process by lecturers from the Alliance universities active in the Transform4Europe priority areas.

The exchange envisages teaching and extra-curricular activities, which are specified by each host university. These activities will be based on employing innovative teaching methods, they will bring variety and flexibility to the study processes and will initiate collaboration in research areas of mutual interest to the sending and the host institution as well as to the Alliance as a whole.

Eligible candidates have to:

  • be on a teaching/research contract at one of the Transform4Europe universities, holding at least a PhD degree, or currently pursuing their PhD degree at the University
  • demonstrate relevant teaching and research experience in the Trans-form4Europe priority areas announced by the host university
  • demonstrate relevant experience in intercultural communication
  • have a working proficiency in English and/or other language(s) as included in the detailed terms of the respective host university
  • have overall digital literacy and specific digital skills as included in the detailed terms of the respective host university
  • possess a knowledge-entrepreneurial mindset characterised by specific competences that enable them to identify and seize opportunities and ideas, and transform them into social, cultural, or productive value (an asset).

The selected Chairs will be required to deliver:

  • a minimum of teaching hours at the host university as detailed in the Specific conditions of each host university.
  • a minimum of teaching hours of extra-curricular activities, i.e. public lectures/consultations with students and PhD students/co-supervision of master theses/meetings with stakeholders/contribution to research/participation in workshops/conferences, etc., as detailed in the Specific conditions of the respective host university.

Chairs will receive an Erasmus+ KA1 teaching mobility grant covering travel and subsistence from their own university provided they comply with the requirements of their home university.

Chairs are eligible for receiving additional funding provided by the host university to complement the above up to the teaching and research workload specified by the host university according to the outlined specific conditions.

The academics applying for a Transform4Europe Chair position have to submit an online Application form. The applications are submitted at the host university where they are evaluated for eligibility as per the conditions and requirements announced in the respective Call.

The selection is done on the basis of the specified evaluation criteria by a Joint Selection Board. The Joint Selection Board is presided by each university in turn.

That potential applicants and academics from each host university may seek to establish contact prior to the application through the many activities and events such as T4ERI Partnering Tool (https://web.ogpi.es/t4eri/tutorial), T4EU Weeks and Summer Schools, joint webinars, conferences, etc.

The names of the outgoing and incoming Chairs are announced on the Trans-form4Europe website and the dedicated web-spaces of each Alliance member.