development of joint programs between T4EU universities
27 March 2024 | Jean Monnet University, France | Workshop
As part of the Transform4Europe (T4EU) European University initiative, JMU’s mission is to coordinate the establishment of joint undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral programs between T4EU members with automatic academic recognition. Several partner universities are collaborating to achieve the goal of at least 10 new joint programs by the end of the project in 2027.
On Wednesday, March 27th, a first workshop led by Souheila Gassiot, WP 3 leader, and Alain Trouillet, Vice-President for International Relations and Training at JMU, brought together 50 participants, academic and administrative staff from the 10 universities of the T4EU Alliance.
This workshop focused on the criteria for building a joint program with the aim of obtaining a European degree. Initially, the discussion revolved around accreditations and national regulations, followed by the European Commission’s recent communication regarding the establishment of a European degree label for joint programs, starting in 2025, and the prospect of a European degree by 2026.
Participants also discussed defining criteria specific to T4EU to align with those proposed by the European Commission. T4EU partners presented joint programs and double or multiple degrees that each has already implemented with various international partners, along with the criteria that characterize them. This provided concrete examples illustrating the interest, feasibility, and limitations of multiple degrees and joint degrees within the current framework of diverse national regulations.
- The next workshop about joint programs and European degree will take place on June 17th 2024 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. online.
Please contact Souheila Gassiot for more information: - Full workshop from March 27th is available on YouTube (in English): click here.