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International Sustainability Workshop in underway!

For 3 days, students from T4EU partner universities are taking part in different workshops, lectures and activities

3–7 April 2023 | Saarland University, Germany


The student initiative La Page Verte hosts an international sustainability workshop inviting students from all Transform4Europe universities to the Saarland University in Saarbrücken. Throughout three days (from Monday, 03. April 2023 to Friday, 07. April 2023) students are getting the chance to take part in various lectures, workshops, and activities all around sustainability.

The workshop intends to cover multiple fields of sustainability in the academic environment and student’s engagement: Our goal is not only to learn new things about sustainability and its role in different countries but also to discover how sustainability can be incorporated in academic structures. At the end of the seminar, a common project will be developed together with the students to create a tool for international communication, cooperation, and exchange to enhance university’s footprint in Europe. 

What will await the participants? 

A lot of international exchange! Since climate change affects every country in the world, international cooperation and communication within the young generation are now needed more than ever. Throughout various workshops we will explore together as students how sustainability can be realised on a micro- and a macro level. 

More at: T4EU International Sustainability Workshop – Transform4Europe