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24 September 2021 | Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania


The Transform4Europe alliance invites you to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the European Day of Languages on 24 September together. With this initiative we wish to promote multilingualism and language learning as an inevitable component of HE in Europe, raise awareness among the communities of all partner universities about the languages of the Transform4Europe alliance and engage the communities of all partner universities and their stakeholders in a discussion of the benefits and challenges that linguistic diversity brings into the European corporate, public, and academic discourses.

By participating, you will:

  • “taste” one of the 8 Transform4Europe languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Estonian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish or Spanish;
  • meet the representatives of international companies and learn more about intercultural and plurilingual (mis)communication, language needs, challenges encountered, solutions found and examples of good practices in the contemporary corporate and public life;
  • listen to the presentations of the international companies in different languages: English, German, Italian, and Spanish;
  • engage in a multilingual surprise activity;
  • contribute to promoting multilingualism across Europe and raising awareness about the im-portance of learning languages in the contemporary world;
  • have fun and receive positive emotions.


The event will be held online via Zoom.
The working language of the introduction and “Language Tasters” is English.
The programme is provided in Central European Time. You can convert the times for your location here.
You will be participating in an event where photo, video, and audio recordings may be made.
The detailed programme will be sent to all registered participants before the event.
For any additional questions feel free to email Transform4Europe team: Transform4Europe@vdu.lt.

Click to see the programme: sites.google.com


Participation is free and requires registration
by 22 September. Join us!