Press briefing
T4EU Week
9 May 2022 | Katowice
A press briefing regarding Transform4Europe Week took place in the pedestrian area in front of the Rectorate of the University of Silesia in Katowice. With the media representatives met:
- Małgorzata Myśliwiec, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor – coordinator of the Transform4Europe project on the side of the University of Silesia in Katowice, Plenipotentiary of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences for International Cooperation,
- Cyntia Sandes Oliveira, PhD – coordinator of the Transform4Europe project from the Saarland University, International Relations Division,
- Prof. Ryszard Koziołek – Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice,
- Prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski – Vice-Rector for International and Domestic Cooperation,
- Prof. Manfred Schmitt – Rector of the Saarland University, leader of the Transform4Europe project,
- Emilie Szwajnoch – Vice-Chair of the Transform4Europe Student Council, a doctoral student at the Doctoral School at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
The participants of the press conference talked about what is Transform4Europe Week, why being a part of the European University is something special, what significance has the cooperation within the Transform4Europe alliance, especially in this difficult time, and what brought together universities from very different regions of Europe, as well as how students and doctoral students of the European University can benefit from this cooperation and why their participation is important.
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