T4EU Strategic Assembly is already behind us!

Saarland University hosted the annual T4EU Strategic Assembly in Saarbrücken

4–6 October 2023 | Saarland University, Germany


From 4th October to 6th October 2023, Saarland University hosted the annual Transform4Europe Strategic Assembly at the University Campus in Saarbrücken. The event constitutes a platform for exchange and discussion among all groups involved in the Transform4Europe University Alliance – students, academic and non-academic staff, the university managements and external stakeholders.

This year, it also provided the framework to celebrate the achievements of the first three years of collaboration within the alliance and to kick-off the coming four years of funding by the European Commission.

“Shared values for a shared future”: This was the focus of a policy conference on the first meeting day. After handing over the T4EU presidency from Saarland University to the University of Silesia in Katowice, European experts from various fields discussed the topics of European Identity in a Panel Discussion. In the afternoon, core topics of the alliance were discussed in different workshops. The programme was completed by the Transform4Europe Science Slam showcasing the multifaceted scientific activities of the alliance (a Science Slam is a unique format of scientific communication where researchers present their work in an entertaining and understandable way to a non-expert audience. Each slammer has 10 minutes to showcase their own research, using any props and visual aids they like).

On the second and third day of the Assembly meeting, meetings of the institutional bodies of the Alliance and of different expert groups afforded the opportunity to discuss strategic questions, develop new ideas and enhance our network.


Transform4Europe: Flashback!