T4EU Science Slam was a great success
Saarland University hosted the first T4EU Science Slam in Saarbrucken
4 October 2023
Poetry slams are yesterday’s news, science slams are the new thing! At a science slam, researchers present their work to a non-expert audience, at best in an understandable and entertaining way. The slams thus represent a unique format for scientific communication.
Each presenter, or “slammer” has a 10-minute slot to showcase their research and may use props and tools as they wish.
As part of the Strategic Assembly, we launched the first T4EU Science Slam, inviting both slammers from the Alliance and guest presenters.
The format of the Science Slam is particularly useful in the context of the Alliance’s Research & Innovation project T4ERI,
to promote scientific communication and to make complex scientific topics accessible to the general public.
Our audience consisted of both project members and people with no project affiliation and had the task of deciding among the 5 slammers which one they liked best.
The topics of the T4EU/T4ERI Science Slam presentations ranged from mathematics and neuroscience to linguistics and sustainable tourism and were both informative and amusing. In the end, Nino Bašić from the University of Primorska was chosen by the audience as the winner with his presentation on “(Chemical) Graph Theory”.