Open Dual Lecture in Bulgaria

A lecture on the topic Climate Change & Energy Security

7 July 2022 | Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski


Dear Transform4Europe Alliance partners,

within the scope of the Transform4Europe project (CUP J99C20000470006), the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski needs to identify a professional, stemming from the entrepreneurial environment, to be entrusted with a lectureship activity c/o the University of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 07 July 2022.

The lecturer must prove first-hand competency and a solid background in the entrepreneurial aspects related to one of the three focus areas of the Transform4Europe project:

  • Digital transformation and smart regions;
  • Environmental transformation and sustainability;
  • Societal transformation, community building and inclusion.

Previous university teaching experiences or previous relevant lectureships or speaking in conferences will be evaluated.

Within the scope of the Transform4Europe project, the entrepreneur will visit the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and hold a lecture on the topic Climate Change & Energy Security with particular insights related to the previous focus areas.

The objectives of the lectures are:

  • encourage the academia-industry dialogue;
  • define knowledge and know-how transfer methodologies;
  • professional update and growth;
  • strengthening of the bonds among institutional partners.

The Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski will grant an attendance remuneration of 500€ and will cover the travel and accommodation expenses for the day of the lecture.

The University ensures equal opportunities, treatment and access to all candidates regardless of their sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.

The lecturer must be nominated by a partner university that will submit the documentation by e-mail within the deadline of 22 June to the address using the nomination form available in the dedicated section of the Transform4Europe website.

Attached to the application form, the following documents must be provided:

  • curriculum vitae;
  • copy of an ID document.

The nominations will be examined by a Selection Committee appointed by the Rector and made of three representatives: one professor from Transform4Europe Universities, expert in entrepreneurship, one student identified among the students’ ambassadors of the University, and one representative of the stakeholders identified among the stakeholders list of the University itself.

This Committee will meet physically or virtually and will produce a ranking based on evaluation of the curriculum vitae.

All applicants need to have:

  • citizenship from a region of the Transform4Europe alliance other than the hosting
  • University;
  • demonstrated experience in the fields of digital transformation, sustainability or societal
  • challenges;
  • fluent spoken English.

The evaluation of the nominations will assess the previous experience in the subject identified for the lectures and also previous experiences as conference speaker, lecturer or teacher (at university level).

The Selection Committee will identify the selected lecturer by CV assessment and with an interview (using a streaming platform), creating then a rank among the nominees.

The maximum evaluation will be 30 points subdivided in three areas:

  • maximum 15 points for the demonstrated experience in one of the fields required;
  • maximum 10 points for the demonstrated skills and previous experiences as speaker, lecturer or teacher;
  • maximum 5 points for the interview.

Within 7 working days from the date of publication of the ranking, the selected lecturer must confirm to the acceptance of the mobility indicating in the e-mail subject “Transform4Europe mobility acceptance”. In case of missing confirmation, the candidate will be excluded and the place will be taken by the candidate following in ranking.

The lecturer must provide the personal data needed to fill in the documents connected with the assignment from the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.

Nomination Form for Open Dual Lecture Series