Open Call for T4EU Student Initiatives 2025

Open call to support student initiatives that aim to improve their university and the entire T4EU Alliance


Do you have a great idea on how to improve your campus and the Transform for Europe Alliance (T4EU)?

Find like-minded students and together create an initiative that will improve collaboration, cooperation, and sustainability of T4EU, as well as benefit general well-being on the university level!

International teams made up of students from three different T4EU universities will be competing with their ideas to receive funding for their project.

Initiatives will be supported in the form of a project with a clear start and end date and budget. Each initiative must positively impact the interconnectivity of the Alliance and improve mutual understanding and cooperation. They should address students with an aim to improve the affiliation and the feeling of belonging to one common transnational campus.

Students will be able to share their ideas on the WhatsApp group. The platform is to connect students from different universities who do not know each other yet and allow the cooperation to begin. Moreover, platforms such as ClickUp, Trello or Slack offer valuable tools to improve coordination and workflow and make project management easier.

In addition, students who are going to attend the T4EU Weeks, summer courses, and other T4EU events will have the opportunity to discuss, brainstorm, and work out ideas for their initiatives in person.

Initiatives should address:

  • environmental aspect and/or
  • inclusiveness and diversity and/or
  • sustainability and/or
  • wellbeing.

Each initiative can receive up to €2,500 of funding for one year from a total sum of €10,000 per year. In the case of funds being left, they will be distributed among the selected initiatives based on needs.

The budget must be justified within the application, with a detailed explanation of how the funds will be allocated and for what purpose.

The funds will cover:

  • direct costs needed to implement the initiative (e.g., purchase of materials or equipment, renting of facilities, equipment, or services),
  • costs related to event organisation,
  • costs related to travel & accommodation,
  • any other direct costs related to the implementation of the action.

Student teams:

  • The initiative has to be developed jointly by a T4EU student team composed of members from at least three different universities,
  • Initiatives that already received funding under any T4EU programme cannot be supported again,
  • Initiatives that were not selected for funding, can be improved and resubmitted.

Regulations regarding teams:

  • The teams must be made up of at least 5 students from 3 T4EU universities.
  • Each student:
    • will participate in only one initiative,
    • cannot be part of more than one team,
    • cannot compete individually with more than one initiative,
    • cannot compete individually, and also be part of one or more groups, even if with different and distinct initiatives.

Each team member’s role and work tasks must be clearly defined in the application.

Initiatives will be evaluated according to the criteria available in the table below by a committee made up of 2 students appointed by the Student Council and 3 representatives appointed by the Steering Committee.

To apply students must fill out the questionnaire HERE and answer a series of questions by 1 July 2025. The questions are:

  • Provide a summary of your initiative idea.
  • Who is part of your team (name, surname, and contact information), which university do they study at, and what will be their role in the initiative?
  • What Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) priorities will the initiative address and how? (100 words max)
  • How will the initiative improve the T4EU universities? (100 words max)
  • Will the initiative improve the teamwork of T4EU universities and students? Explain how. (100 words max)
  • Explain the plan for your initiative, its ambitions, and how you’ll achieve them. (100 words max)
  • How will your initiative have a lasting effect on your university and the T4EU universities? (100 words max)
  • Explain how your initiative can be implemented in T4EU universities. (100 words max)

Initiative is addressing the following priorities:

–       Environmental aspects and/or

–        Inclusiveness and diversity and/or

–        Sustainability and/or

–        Well-being.


Initiative is not addressing the following priorities:

–        Environmental aspects and/or

–        Inclusiveness and diversity and/or

–        Sustainability and/or

–        Wellbeing.


The extent to which the initiative is:

–        aligned with the objectives of the T4EU Alliance

–        needed and expected to improve the defined conditions of the Alliance and/or alliance universities

QUALITY OF COOPERATIONThe extent to which the planned activities and initiative will improve the cooperation and inter-connectivity of involved students and universities0-15
QUALITY OF PROJECT DESIGNThe extent to which the initiative has clear goals that can realistically be achieved with proposed activities0-20
BUDGET CLARITYThe proposed budget is realistic and needed to achieve defined objectives and plans0-10
IMPACTInitiative will have a big and lasting positive impact on the inter-connectivity of the Alliance and improve mutual understanding and cooperation.10-15
 Initiative will have a limited impact on the inter-connectivity of the Alliance and improve mutual understanding and collaboration.5-9
 Initiative will not have an impact on the inter-connectivity of the Alliance and improve mutual understanding and collaboration.0-4
EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONInitiative anticipates a realistic dissemination campaign and will improve the awareness of the T4EU at involved universities; planned methods are realistic0-10
TRANSFERRABILITYInitiative can be implemented at each T4EU university10
 Initiative can be implemented at some T4EU universities5
 Initiative can be implemented only at one university or event and is not transferrable1

If you have any and all questions, pleas write to us at