First T4EU Bootcamp

Specialised skills training bootcamp for researchers and graduate students

10-12 September 2024 | Burgas, Bulgaria

  • event for: researchers and graduate students
  • form: on-site
  • invitation: click here (pdf file, 455 KB)


The team of the Transform4Europe (T4EU) Smart Cities and Regions Environmental Transformation Lab invites you to participate in the first T4EU Bootcamp that will take place in the city of Burgas, Bulgaria, from 10 to 12 September 2024.

This specialised skills training for researchers and graduate students is organised within WP4 T4EU Doctoral Education and Innovative Ecosystems and Task 4.5: Innovative Transformation Ecosystems of the Transform4Europe project as an instrument to accelerate innovation-related activities and knowledge entrepreneurialism within the partner universities.

The thematic focus of the event is Sustainable Development and Environmental Transformation: Effective Climate Adaptation and Innovations. It aims to bring together young researchers and graduate students from the Transform4Europe universities studying and/or specialising in this field and to learn and practice on this challenging topic.

We also invite academics and stakeholders from the Transform4Europe regions working in this field, such as researchers, city government representatives, business companies, NGOs etc., to join the training as mentors and to discuss together with the trainees the challenges and opportunities in the area as a ground for further collaboration within the Alliance and T-Labs network.