create joint curricula workshop

Planning, Designing, and Implementing Joint Programmes

17 June, 2p.m – 3.30pm CET  | Université Jean Monnet

  • event for: all the participants from academies and faculties interested in the development of joint programmes.
  • form of the event: online
  • language: English
  • join the event: click here


As part of our efforts in transforming curricula under Work Package 3 (WP3), this workshop is part of Task 3.4: Create joint Curricula, which is a key task of WP3. In this work package, we are dedicated to developing a joint strategy for education, including joint degree programmes, seamless and vertical mobility, and a joint approach to T4EU Microcredentials, to enhance educational offerings.

“The Task 3.4 Create joint flexible curricula has the explicit mandate to facilitate the development of new forms of challenge-based and interdisciplinary collaborative education at Bachelor and Master level with embedded mobility and recognition, and enhance the knowledge entrepreneurial mind-set. The Portfolio of T4EU flexible study offer will allow the students to customize their educational paths throughout their studies through a unique joint offer.”

Your participation in this workshop is integral to the success of our T3.4 Joint Curricula initiative. Together, we can navigate regulatory constraints and foster collaboration to enhance joint/double degree offerings.