Specialized Module Courses

Environmental Transformation

  • face-to-face: students attend on campus
  • hybrid: T4EU students attend online, home students attend on campus
  • blended: the course is largely online (for all students), but there may be face-to-face elements, for instance for project work, at the mobility week or a final exam
  • basic course (BC): knowledge in area of expertise
  • application course (BC): students apply knowledge to gain experience and generate societal transformative impact in limited scope

subject title


This course explores the diversity of life and how organisms, including humans, function and interact in the biological world. Topics include how scientists identify and evaluate questions and the genetics, evolution, ecology, physiology, and cellular biology of living organisms. Also, some attention is given to new biological sciences such as biotechnology, bionics and regeneration medicine.

Vytautas Magnus University | ECTS: 4 | BCModality: online | Language: English
Start date: September 4, 2023