Ecology and Sustainability of Global Changes within Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters
15-month project to design a joint Master’s degree programme in protection and management to be offered by a consortium of three T4EU universities
15-month project to design a joint Master’s degree programme in protection and management to be offered by a consortium of three T4EU universities
International 2nd cycle studies in Digital Creativity Art & Science European Master (DIGICREA) financed by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters
Workshop on planning, designing, and implementing joint programmes
A staff week dedicated to managing directors, deans, senior administrators from T4EU universities.
Specialised skills training bootcamp for researchers and graduate students on effective climate adaptation and innovations
The second edition of the project disseminating the work of women composers
Speakers discussed key challenges and best practices in terms of open science and research data management at their universities
During today’s briefing, Prof. Myśliwiec highlighted the exciting opportunities provided by the Transform4Europe Alliance for students at the University of Silesia and discussed how T4EU enriches the academic experience.
A wooden urban furniture in the shape of the letters T4EU at the University of Primorska to socialise outdoors
Planning, Designing, and Implementing Joint Programmes
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.