New partners and solidarity with Ukraine


The Transform4Europe Alliance is proud to announce that the Consortium, now consisting of 7 partner Universities, will grow even bigger in the future: On Europe’s Day, 9 May 2022, the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon, Portugal) and the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia) signed a Letter of Intent to join our European University Alliance.

This enlargement  represents a further development to our common goal: Transforming Europe by educating and training knowledge entrepreneurs and overcoming modern challenges together.

Our new partners do not only share our great European values and ambitions, but they also geographically and linguistically diversify our Alliance even further and will contribute with their experience and ideas in knowledge entrepreneurlism for the digital, environmental and societal transformation.

In addition, the Transform4Europe Alliance shows their strong support with Ukraine by welcoming Mariupol State University as an associated partner to the Consortium. The Alliance will do everything at their hands to support the Ukrainian University that has undergone severe shelling by Russia and is now operating in the Exile from Kyiv, thus defending European values and scientific freedom.

To our new partners:

Bem-vindo, Dobrodošli, and Ласкаво просимо!