T4ERI | Universities and Regional Engagement

November 14–16, 2022 | Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski


Sofia University team welcome you to discuss the role of universities in regional and local development – a major focus of the European University Alliance Transform4Europe, covering a wide range and types of regions.

Our aim is at the T4ERI Inter-Regional policy roundtable & Stakeholders Assembly to collect and present a diversity of cases from our Transform4Europe universities as a ground for further collaboration and inter-regional-universities activities under the European Universities Alliance. On the other hand, this is a good opportunity to bring together the Alliance’s network of stakeholders and to try to make new collaborations and draft potential project proposals.

The event is open to all members of the Transform4Europe & T4ERI community – Institutional Coordinators, Project Managers, T4EU WP5 experts, etc. and aims to engage stakeholders from the Regional Transformation Network and participants in the T4ERI regional policy roundtable event of each university (5-6 people per institution in total).


14 November – Arrival and Welcome reception.
15 November – T4ERI Inter-regional policy roundtable & II Stakeholders Assembly
16 November – T4EU activities – Management board and WP5 experts meeting

In the attached files you will find the official invitation with a detailed program of the event as well as accommodation offers.

To confirm your participation, please fill in the registration form by 25th October.
Sofia University team