Announcing the Nominees for the T4EU Teaching Qualification Certificate
The Certificate aims to formally recognise academic staff members across the Alliance
We are delighted to announce the nominees for the T4EU Teaching Qualification Certificate, recognizing outstanding teaching and pedagogical innovation across the Transform4Europe Alliance! These exceptional academic staff members have demonstrated a commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and international collaboration, embodying the core values of T4EU.
The T4EU Teaching Qualification Certificate is designed to formally recognise academic staff members across the Alliance.
Let’s extend our warmest congratulations to the following nominees:
- University of Alicante: Joaquin Alvado Bañon, Teresa Pozo Rico, Pablo Aznar Crespo, Francisco Fernandez, Javier Mira Grau, Rocío Juliá-Sanchis
- Saarland University: Tobias Hüppe, Alexander Baumeister, Miriam Weiß, Tobias Schank, Marcel Lauterbach, Katrin Arendt
- Estonian Academy of Arts: Marion Laev, Nesli Hazal Oktay, Andres Ojari, Jüri Kermik, Maiu Rõõmus, Maarin Ektermann
- Universidade Catolica Portuguesa: Eva Oliveira, António Andrade, Diana Mesquita, Maria José Serol, Pedro Alves, Anabela Santos Rodrigues
- University of Primorska: Ana Zalokar, Nives Zudič Antonič, Sabina Ličen, Aleksandra Brezovec, Igor Rižnar, Karmen Drljić
- Jean Monnet University: Pauline Kuntz, Jennifer Saniossian, Gwenaëlle Bertrand, Sandrine Le Pontois
- University of Silesia in Katowice: Joanna Maszybrocka, Marta Margiel, Marcin Lipowczan, Olga Sitarz, Agata Zygmunt-Ziemianek, Adrian Robak
- Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’: Ivanka Mavrodieva, Albena Antonova
- University of Trieste: Bacaro Giovanni, Sorzio Paolo, Carrieri Alesandro, Grimaldi Giuseppe
- Vytautas Magnus University: Gabija Jarašiūnaitė-Fedosejeva, Aušra Lisinskienė, Viktorija Starkauskienė, Mindaugas Bilius, Austėja Pečiurienė, Augustinas Balaišis
- Mariupol State University: Lenina Zadorozhna-Kniahnytska, Iryna Gridina, Tetiana Ivanets, Anastasiia Trofymenko, Hanna Martyniuk, Olena Pedchenko
About the T4EU Teaching Qualification Certificate
This certificate formally recognises academic staff across the T4EU Alliance who demonstrate excellence in teaching and embody the Alliance’s values of inclusivity, sustainability, and international cooperation. It aims to encourage pedagogical innovation and strengthen the shared educational mission of the Alliance. Certificates are co-branded with the T4EU logo and issued by the Alliance.
Selection Criteria
Nominees were selected based on criteria such as recent teaching experience, professional development engagement, innovative teaching practices, positive student feedback, compliance with T4EU values, teaching excellence, mentorship, collaboration in educational activities, and alignment with institutional priorities