Languages for Lunch

See how we celebrate Polish at T4EU Week in Katowice

22-24 September 2024 | University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland


The Languages for Lunch initiative will be a chance to learn a few Polish words and phrases and will certainly be a treat!

During T4EU Week, students will be able not only to meet each other but also to take part in educational activities and discover the Polish culture by learning the fundamental words and phrases that might come in handy. The classes will be held for three days, and the participants will be taught by the lecturers from the School of Polish Language and Culture: Magdalena Nowak-Kaczmarek, MA; Agnieszka Madeja, PhD; Anna Gawryś-Mazurkiewicz, PhD; Barbara Morcinek-Abramczyk, PhD; Tomasz Gęsina, PhD; Katarzyna Szczotka, MA; and Aleksandra Achtelik, PhD, Assoc. Prof.