Management, Governance and Joint Infrastructure
Led by Saarland University, Germany
Shaping the future
of Transform4Europe
We’re shaping the future of Transform4Europe to make our alliance stronger, smarter, and more connected than ever. We’re streamlining how we work and creating tools that make our collaboration effortless.
What we do
Most importantly, we ensure that our students can shape our way of work and our outcomes by making them an integral part of our governance.
We’re rolling out a joint portal connecting everyone in the T4EU community—students, staff, and more. Plus, we’re designing a common strategy, tackling issues such as diversity, outreach, multilingualism and more. In the future, our alliance will not just be an initiative but a legal entity that will ensure our partnership is growing even stronger.
Key tasks
Digital T4EU Campus and Joint T4EU infrastructure
We’re building a portal to connect T4EU, giving easy access to resources and creating a space to thrive!
Joint T4EU legal entity
We’re creating a joint legal entity to unify T4EU, ensuring a strong foundation for our alliance’s future!
Photo by
Key numbers
joint offices
strategic assembly bringing together all governance levels of the alliance including our student representatives
We are proud of
Consolidating our governance bodies with strong student participation
Laying the ground for the T4EU legal entity
Creating the prerequisites for a joint virtual campus
Institutionalize our common vision of a European University
We have created visionary strategies to join our forces and pave the way in a common future such as the T4EU Multilingual Campus Strategy, the T4EU Mobility4All Strategy, the T4EU Diversity Strategy and the T4EU Partnership Strategy.
We are ready for 2025
Our remarks for the future:
- launch of the Joint T4EU Infrastructure Portal,
- creation of T4EU Legal Entity.
The Management, Governance and Joint Infrastructure Team