T4EU at the University of Silesia
Let’s start!
T4EU Week in Trieste
The University of Trieste will organise their Transform4Europe week from 5th to 9th June 2023
No Limits – a popular science journal
The last issue included an article by Martina Blečić Kavur, PhD, Assoc. Prof. from the University of Primorska
Study visit in Saint-Étienne
Representatives of the University of Silesia travelled to Saint-Étienne for a study visit on 4 and 8 April 2023
T4EU Week in Katowice
Let’s meet at the University of Silesia in Katowice!
Festival of European Culture T4EU
The theme of the Festival revolves around integration!
PhD Conference 2023: City – liberty, identity, innovation
The conference will take place in the cities in the heart of the Silesia region
Interns from Ukraine
The University of Silesia will host two administrative employees of Mariupol State University, Ukraine
International Visiting Lectures in Trieste
Smart Transformation Lectures – call for entrepreneurs: “Key factors for a start-up scalability”
Open Dual Lectures at Sofia University
Sofia University invites you to Open Dual Lectures next week where four lecturers will speak on the two topics