English as Professional Language

This course is designed to enhance students’ English language skills in various technical fields of EU action. Through discussions, case studies, group projects and independent learning, students will be familiarised with the typical phraseology, terminology and contextual and cultural nuances of using English in professional fields such as finance, trade, employment, culture, tourism and research, while at the same time developing their intercultural, sociolinguistic and digital skills essential for their future academic and professional careers. To engage in this course effectively, students should have a language proficiency in English at least at level B2 (CEFR).

Number of places for T4EU students: 15.

Lecturer: Martina Paradiž


Basic Course (BC): knowledge in area of expertise

Time: TBC

Target groups:


Oct 01 2024 - Jan 17 2025

Type of events



University of Primorska