New Trends in European Tourism
This seminar with a European focus explores the future of tourism and the dynamic changes occurring in the market of tourist services. Topics include the influence of demographic shifts, advancements in health and transportation, and the role of new technologies in shaping tourism. We will examine trends such as sustainable development, safety concerns, and the […]
EurIdentity Basic Module – Foundations of Europe
This course is an E-Learning-Module with 6 ECTS. Students will study online by themselves with video content, self-study material and reading lists. 12 topics on Europe and the EU are virtually lectured by professors from seven partner universities of the Greater Region: University of Luxembourg, Université de Lorraine, Saarland University, TU Kaiserslautern, Trier University, University […]
Español C.1 (estrategias orales) Temas de actualidad y cultura
Este curso está orientado a quienes les guste debatir y conversar compartiendo ideas sobre temas actuales de la esfera política, socioeconómica y cultural tanto nacional como internacional. El curso tiene como objetivo mejorar las diferentes destrezas del alumno, en especial la oral. Para ello, utilizaremos materiales que incluyen diferentes medios auditovisuales y escritos, y su […]
Hablando de cortos
Este curso está orientado a aquellas personas a las que les gusten los cortometrajes y el cine en general pero también es un curso ideal para quienes les guste observar, conversar y compartir ideas. El curso tiene como objetivo mejorar las diferentes destrezas lingüísticas de los y las participantes, en especial la expresión oral, y […]
Español B2 Parte 2 + Crónicas periodísticas
El curso Español B2 Parte 2 cubre de la lección 5 a la lección 8 del manual y se trabajan las crónicas periodísticas. Los textos periodísticos no sustituyen las actividades escritas del libro sino que las complementan, ya que se pretente mejorar las habilidades de escritura, practicando una redacción periodística: actual, clara y concisa. Nivel: […]
The aim of this self-study online Spanish course is to enable students to prepare themselves for a semester abroad at a Spanish university providing them knowledge and practical information about university life in Spain and strategies to cope with everyday life on site. The course will focus on academic and socio-cultural aspects of the Spanish […]
Corpus Linguistics
This course provides a foundational understanding of corpus linguistics, including its history, key concepts, and applications across various linguistic fields. Participants will gain insights into the structure and purpose of corpora, the importance of metadata, and techniques for both manual and automated annotation of linguistic data. Additionally, the course will explore methods for analyzing linguistic […]
Matlab and Data Analysis
The participants will learn the basics of programming and in particular how to use Matlab for universal data analysis. It is a course for beginners. The aim is that participants without prior programming knowledge learn how to use Matlab for fully automated data analysis, statistical evaluation and presentation of results. Prerequisites: Basic computer skills. Programming […]