Matlab and Data Analysis

The participants will learn the basics of programming and in particular how to use Matlab for universal data analysis. It is a course for beginners. The aim is that participants without prior programming knowledge learn how to use Matlab for fully automated data analysis, statistical evaluation and presentation of results.  

Target group: Students (including MD/PhD students) who want to learn a versatile program for their automated data analysis and want to acquire basic programming knowledge. 1 credit point in the ECTS is granted for this class if all parts are attended. 

Prerequisites: Basic computer skills. Programming knowledge is not a prerequisite.  

Matlab is:  

  • A calculator for interactive calculations A programming language that also provides complex functions with one command  
  • A tool for simple and complicated calculations with large amounts of data  
  • A platform to summarize and automate different steps of the data evaluation (e.g. read in data, summarize, statistically evaluate, create graphics and save) 
  • A Swiss Army Knife for data analysis and simulations 

Course contents:  

  • Interactive calculations with Matlab  
  • Automation for repeated tasks, e.g. the similar analysis of several data sets  
  • Fundamentals of programming: functions, loops, if statements  
  • Graphical representation of data/simulations/results
  •  Basic statistics with Matlab  
  • Import of data from files Structure of the course: A few minutes of lecture, then immediately trying out what you have just learned on the computer before continuing with the next topic in the lecture. Regular small exercises for consolidation and self-control.

Course dates: Four afternoons, Tuesday, October 1; Wednesday, Oct. 2; Tuesday, Oct. 8; Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM German time as online meeting in Microsoft Teams. The parts of the course strongly build on each other. Participation at all days is therefore absolutely necessary. All participants will need to have installed Matlab on their own computer. Installation instructions will follow with the confirmation of registration. If your institution does not have a license for Matlab, you can get access to the license of Saarland University. 

Typically, there are more students interested than there are places. Please register only if you will really participate!

Contact: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcel Lauterbach, Saarland University, Molecular Imaging, CIPMM, 66421 Homburg, Germany, Room 02.01.10, Phone +49 6841-16-16400, Email:  


Registration period: 02.08.2024 – 01.09.2024

Target groups:


Oct 01 - 10 2024


14:00 - 18:00

Type of events



Saarland University