Materials and Systems for the Energy Transition (module: Materials for the Energy Transition)

Energy transition: Global warming and power sector. Energy sources and energy carriers. Transition from conventional to renewable energy sources. Reasons for the energy transition. Electrification of final energy consumption. National and European plans for the transition. Evolution of the power system and enabling technologies for RES: Centralized and distributed generation, smart grid, role of the direct current, energy storage systems, nano/microgrids, integration of the transportation sector. Photovoltaic systems: The role of photovoltaics in the energy transition. Classification of photovoltaic systems: domestic, commercial/industrial, utility scale; grid-connected and isolated. Photovoltaic generator design. Solar radiation and yield of a photovoltaic system: solar paths, clinometric profile, performance ratio. Economic analysis: levelized cost of energy, grid and fuel parity, net present value. Physics and materials of photovoltaic cells. Storage systems: The role of storage systems in the energy transition. Storage types: mechanical, electrical, chemical and thermal. Batteries and cells: types, formats and principle of operation. Definitions of basic parameters, electrical characteristics and charging curves. Electrical modeling of the cell. Main techniques for the estimation of the State of Charge (SoC) and internal impedance. Key aging factors. Materials in electrochemical batteries. Energy management systems: The case study of the nanogrid of the University of Trieste. Energy Management Systems and energy flow optimization. Rule-based vs optimization-based EMS. Applications, objectives and constraints. Energetic, economic and environmental (3E) optimization. Emission factors and carbon intensity. Grid support and ancillary services such as peak shaving, load leveling and time shift. Optimization algorithms: Linear, Quadratic and Mixed-Integer problems. Non-linear optimization problem with heuristics. Model pre modules, inverter and photovoltaic generator. Electrical and empirical model of the photovoltaic cell, electrical characteristics. Inverter-photovoltaic.

Study Path: Department of Engineering and Architecture. Materials and Chemical engineering for nano, bio and sustainable technologies.

Course Code: 415MI

Lecturer: Lughi Vanni


Basic Course (BC): knowledge in area of expertise

Maximum number of T4EU students: No limits

Duration: 23 Sep 2024 – 21 Dec 2024; TBC

Time: TBC

Target groups:


Sep 23 2024 - Dec 21 2024

Type of events



University of Trieste